Journal Papers
M. Hu, M. Chen, P. Guo, H. Zhou, J. Deng, Y. Yao, Y. Jiang, J. Gong, Z. Dai, Y. Zhou, F. Qian, X. Chong, J. Feng*, R.D. Schaller, K. Zhu, N.P. Padture*, Y. Zhou*. "Sub-1.4 eV Bandgap Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells with Long-Term Stability," Nature Communications doi:10.1038/s41467-019-13908-6 .s.
Y. Zhou*, H. Zhou*, J. Deng, W. Cho, Z. Cai. "Decisive Structural and Functional Characterization of Halide Perovskites with Synchrotron," Matter, in press. [Invited Perspective]
Y. Zhou*, Y. Zhao*, ”Chemical Stability and Instability of Inorganic Halide Perovskites,“ Energy & Environmental Science, 12, 1495 (2019). [Invited Review Paper]
Y. Zhang#, H. Yang#, M. Chen, N.P. Padture*, O. Chen*, and Y. Zhou*, ”Fusing Nanowires into Thin Films: Fabrication of Graded-Heterojunction Perovskite Solar Cells with Enhanced Performance,“ Advanced Energy Materials 9, 1900243 (2019).
M. Chen, M.-G. Ju, H.F. Garces, A.D. Carl, L.K. Ono, Z. Hawash, Y. Zhang, T. Shen, Y. Qi, R.L. Grimm, D. Pacifici, X.C. Zeng, Y. Zhou* and N.P. Padture*, “Highly Stable and Efficient All-Inorganic Lead-Free Perovskite Solar Cells with Native-Oxide Passivation,” Nature Communications, 10, 16 (2019).
Y. Zhou*, H. Sternlicht* and N.P. Padture*, “Transmission Electron Microscopy for Halide Perovskite Materials and Devices,” Joule, 3, 641 (2019). [Invited Review Paper]
M. Chen, M.-G. Ju, M. Hu, Z. Dai, Y. Hu*, Y. Rong, H. Han, X. C. Zeng, Y. Zhou*, and N.P. Padture*, "Lead-Free Dion-Jacobson Tin Halide Perovskites for Photovoltaics," ACS Energy Letters 4, 276 (2019).
M. Que#, Z. Dai#, H. Yang, H. Zhu, Y. Zong, W. Que*, N.P. Padture*, Y. Zhou*, O. Chen*. "Quantum-Dot-Induced Cesium-Rich Surface Imparts Enhanced Stability to Formamidinium Lead Iodide Perovskite Solar Cells." ACS Energy Letters 4, 1970 (2019).
J. Gong, M. Flatken, A. Abate*, J.-P. Correa-Baena*, I. Mora-Sero*, M. Saliba*, Y. Zhou*, "The Bloom of Perovskite Optoelectronics: Fundamental Science Matters," ACS Energy Letters, 4, 861 (2019).
D. Liu#, Z. Shao#, J. Gui, M. Chen, M. Liu, G. Cui, S. Pang, Y. Zhou*. "Polar-Hydrophobic Ionic Liquid Induces Grain Growth and Stabilization in Halide Perovskites." Chemical Communications 55, 11059 (2019). in press
Y. Zhou*, M. Saliba, I. Mora-Seró. "Welcoming the First Decade of Perovskite Solar Cells." Solar RRL 3, 1900325 (2019).
W. Dunlap-Shohl, Y. Zhou, N.P. Padture, D.B. Mitzi, "Synthetic Approaches for Halide Perovskite Thin Films," Chemical Reviews, 119, 3193 (2019). [Invited Review Paper]
J. Jiang, X. Sun, X. Chen, B. Wang, Z. Chen, Y. Hu, Y. Guo, L. Zhang, Y. Ma, L. Gao, F. Zheng, L. Jin, M. Chen, Z. Ma, Y. Zhou, N.P. Padture, K. Beach, H. Terrones, Y. Shi, D. Gall, T.-M. Lu, E. Wertz, J. Feng*, J. Shi*. "Carrier Lifetime Enhancement in Halide Perovskite via Remote Epitaxy." Nature Communications 10, 4145 (2019).
Q. Dong, J. Li, Y. Shi,* M. Chen, L.K. Ono, K. Zhou, C. Zhang, Y. Qi, Y. Zhou, N. P. Padture,* L. Wang*, "Improved SnO2 Electron Transport Layers Solution-Deposited at near Room Temperature for Rigid or Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells with High Efficiencies." Advanced Energy Materials 9, 1900834 (2019).
W. Li, M.S.R. Huang, S.K. Yadavalli, J.D.L. Ferro, Y. Zhou, A. Zaslavsky, N.P. Padture, R. Zia, "Direct Characterization of Carrier Diffusion in Halide-Perovskite Thin Films Using Transient Photoluminescence Imaging." ACS Photonics (2019). in press.
J. Wu, Z. Zhang, C. Tong, D. Li, A. Mei, Y. Rong, Y. Zhou, H. Han, Y. Hu*. "Two-Stage Melt Processing of Phase-Pure Selenium for Printable Triple Mesoscopic Solar Cells." ACS Applied Materials Interfaces (2019). in press
M.-G. Ju, J. Dai, L. Ma, Y. Zhou, W. Liang, X. C. Zeng*. "Lead-free Low-Dimensional Tin Halide Perovskites with Functional Organic Spacers: Breaking the Charge-Transport Bottleneck." Journal of Materials Chemistry A 27, 16742 (2019).
H. Khassaf, S.K. Yadavalli, O.S. Game, Y. Zhou, N.P. Padture, A.I. Angus*, "Comprehensive Elucidation of Ion Transport and Its Relation to Hysteresis in Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite Thin Films," J. Phys. Chem. C , 123, 4029 (2019).
H. Khassaf, S.K. Yadavalli, Y. Zhou, N.P. Padture, A.I. Angus*, "Effect of Grain Boundaries on Charge Transport in Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite Thin Films," J. Phys. Chem. C , 123, 5321 (2019).
W. Li, S.K. Yadavalli, D. Lizarazo-Ferro, M. Chen, Y. Zhou, N.P. Padture, R. Zia, "Sub-Grain Special Boundaries in HalidePerovskite Thin Films Restrict Carrier Diffusion," ACS Energy Letters, 3, 2669-2670 (2018).
H. Yang#, Y. Zhang#, H.-K. Katie, Y. Zhou*, O. Chen*, "Building Bridges between Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals and Thin-Film Solar Cells," Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2, 2381-2397 (2018). [Invited Review Paper]
Y. Zong. Z. Zhou, M. Chen, N.P. Padture*, and Y. Zhou*, Lewis‐Adduct Mediated Grain‐Boundary Functionalization for Efficient Ideal‐Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells with Superior Stability, Advanced Energy Materials, 8, 1800997 (2018).
Y. Wang, Y. Zhou, T. Zhang, M.-G, Ju, L. Zhang, M. Kan, Y. Li, X. Zeng, N.P. Padture, Y. Zhao, "Integration of Functionalized Graphene Nano-Network into Planar Perovskite Absorber for High Efficiency Large Area Solar Cells," Materials Horizon, 5, 868-873 (2018).
M.-G. Ju, J. Dai, L. Ma, Y. Zhou, X. C. Cheng, "Zero-Dimensional Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Variant: Transition between Molecular and Solid Crystal," Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140, 10456-10463 (2018).
M.-G. Ju, M. Chen, Y. Zhou*, D. Jun, L. Ma, N.P. Padture*, and X.C. Zeng*, "Towards Eco-friendly and Stable Perovskite Materials for Photovoltaics," Joule, 2, 1231-1241 (2018). [A Cell Sister Journal; Invited Perspective]
T. Liu, Y. Zhou*, Z. Li, L. Zhang, M.-G. Ju, D. Luo, Y. Yang, M. Yang, D. Kim, W. Yang, N.P. Padture, M.C. Beard, X.C. Zeng, K. Zhu*, Q. Gong, R. Zhu*, "Stable Formamidinium-Based Perovskite Solar Cells via In situ Grain Encapsulation," Advanced Energy Materials, 8, 1800232 (2018).
Y. Zong#, Y. Zhou#*, Y. Zhang, Z. Li, L. Zhang, M.-G. Ju, M. Chen, S. Pang, X.C. Zeng, and N.P. Padture*, "Continuous Grain-Boundary Functionalization for High-Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cells with Exceptional Stability," Chem, DOI:10.1016/j.chempr.2018.03.005 (2018). [Highlighted by Joule Editor's Preview - Perovskites: Between the Grains]
M. Chen, M.-G. Ju, A.D. Carl, Y. Zong, R.L. Grimm, J. Gu, X.C. Zeng, Y. Zhou*, and N.P. Padture*, Cesium Titanium(IV) Bromide Thin Films Based Stable Lead-Free Perovskite Solar Cells, Joule, 2, 558–570 (2018), [Featured in AAAS EurekAlert!, Materials Today, JACerS, etc.] [Front Cover] Volume 2, Issue 3
M.C. Ramirez, S.K. Yadavalli, H.F. Garces, Y. Zhou, and N.P. Padture, “Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Organic-Inorganic Halide Perovskites for Solar Cells,” Scripta Materialia, 150, 36-41 (2018). [Invited Viewpoint]
M.-G. Ju, M. Chen, Y. Zhou*, J. Dai, L. Ma, N.P. Padture*, and X. C. Zeng*, "Earth-Abundant Non-Toxic Titanium (IV) Based Vacancy-Ordered Double Perovskite Halides with Tunable 1.0 to 1.8 eV Bandgaps for Photovoltaic Applications," ACS Energy Letters, 3, 297-304 (2018). [ACS Editors' Choices; Most-Read Article]
Z. Xiao, Y. Zhou*, H. Hosono, T. Kamiya*, and N.P. Padture*, "Bandgap Optimization of Perovskite Semiconductors for Photovoltaic Applications," Chemistry - A European Journal, 24, 2305-2316 (2018). [Invited Mini-Review] Frontispiece: Bandgap Optimization of Perovskite Semiconductors for Photovoltaic Applications. [Frontispiece]
S. K. Yadavalli, Y. Zhou, N.P. Padture*, "Exceptional Grain-Growth in FAPbI3 Perovskite Thin Films Induced by the δ-to-α Phase Transformation," ACS Energy Letters, 3, 63–4 (2018).
F. Ji, S. Pang*, L. Zhang, Y. Zong, G. Cui, N.P. Padture*, and Y. Zhou*, "Simultaneous Evolution of Uniaxially-Oriented Grains and Ultralow-Density Grain-Boundary Network in CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Thin Films Mediated by Precursor-Phase Metastability," ACS Energy Letters, 2,1734–9 (2017).
Y. Zong, N. Wang, L. Zhang, M. Ju, X.C. Zeng, X.W. Sun*, Y. Zhou*, N.P. Padture*, “Homogenous Alloys of Formamidinium Lead Triiodide and Cesium Tin Triiodide for Efficient Ideal-Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 56, 12658–62 (2017). [Very Important Paper] Back Cover: Homogenous Alloys of Formamidinium Lead Triiodide and Cesium Tin Triiodide for Efficient Ideal-Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 41/2017), 56, 12790 (2017). [Back Cover]
C. Li, Y. Zhou# (co-first author), Y. Chang, L. Wang, Y. Zong, Z. Zhou, J. Zhang, L. Etgar, G. Cui, S. Pang, and N.P. Padture, “Methylammonium-Mediated Evolution of Mixed-Organic-Cation Perovskite Thin Films: A Dynamic Composition-Tuning Process,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 129, 1-6 (2017).
Y. Zhou* and N.P. Padture*, “Gas-Induced Formation/Transformation of Organic-Inorganic Halide Perovskites,” ACS Energy Letters, 2, 2166-76 (2017). [Invited Perspective]
T. Liu, Y. Zhou# (co-first author), Q. Hu, K. Chen, Y. Zhang, W. Yang, J. Wu, F. Ye, D. Luo, K. Zhu, N.P. Padture, R. Zhu, and Q. Gong, “Fabrication of Compact and Stable Perovskite Films with Optimized Precursor Composition in the Fast-Growing Procedure,” Science China Materials, 60, 608-16 (2017)
B. Wu, Y. Zhou# (co-first author), G. Xing, A. Solanki, H.F. Garces, N.P. Padture, and T.C. Sum, “Long Minority-Carrier Diffusion Length and Low Surface-Recombination Velocity in Inorganic Lead-free CsSnI3 Perovskite Crystal for Solar Cells,” Advanced Functional Materials, 27, 1604818 (2017).
T. Liu, Y. Zong, Y. Zhou*, S. Pang, M. Yang, Z. Li, O.S. Game, K. Zhu*, R. Zhu*, Q. Gong, and N.P. Padture, “High-Performance Formamidinium-Based Perovskite Solar Cells Based on Microstructure-Mediated δ-to-α Phase Transformation,” Chemistry of Materials, 29, 3246-3250 (2017).
O.S. Onkar, G.J. Buchsbaum, Y. Zhou, N.P. Padture, and A.I. Kingon*, “Ions Matter: Description of the Anomalous Electronic Behavior in Methylammonium Lead Halide Perovskite Devices,” Advanced Functional Materials, 27, 1606584 (2017).
N. Wang, Y. Zhou*, M. Gang, H. F. Garces, T. Ding, S. Pang, X.C. Zeng, N.P. Padture*, and X. Sun*, “Heterojunction-Depleted Lead-Free Perovskite Solar Cells with Coarse-Grained B-γ-CsSnI3 Thin Films,” Advanced Energy Materials, 6, 1601130 (2016). Solar Cells: Heterojunction-Depleted Lead-Free Perovskite Solar Cells with Coarse-Grained B-γ-CsSnI3 Thin Films (Adv. Energy Mater. 24/2016), DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201670137. [Front Cover]
Y. Zhou, M. Yang, S. Pang, K. Zhu, and N.P. Padture, “Exceptional Morphology-Preserving Evolution of Formamidinium Lead Triiodide Perovskite Thin Films via Organic-Cation Displacement,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138, 5535-8 (2016). [Featured in AAAS-EurekAlert!, JACerS website, ACS C&EN, etc.]
Y. Zong, Y. Zhou*, M.-G. Ju, H.F. Garces, A.R. Krause, F. Ji, G. Cui, X.C. Zeng, N.P. Padture*, and S. Pang*. “Thin-Film Transformation of NH4PbI3 to CH3NH3PbI3-Perovskite: A Methylamine-Induced Conversion-Healing Process,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 55, 14723-7 (2016).
S. Pang, Y. Zhou# (co-first author), Z. Wang, M. Yang, A.R. Krause, Z. Zhou, K. Zhu*, N.P. Padture*, and G. Cui*, “Transformative Evolution of Organolead Triiodide Perovskite Thin Films from Strong Room-Temperature Solid-Gas Interaction between HPbI3-CH3NH2 Precursor Pair,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138, 750-3 (2016).
Y. Zhou, Z. Zhou, M. Chen, Y. Zong, S. Pang, and N.P. Padture. “Doping and Alloying for Improved Perovskite Solar Cells,” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4, 17623-35 (2016). [Invited Review Article]
Y. Kutes, Y. Zhou, B. James, S. James, N.P. Padture, and B.D. Huey, “Mapping the Photoresponse of CH3NH3PbI3 Hybrid Perovskite Thin Films at the Nanoscale,” Nano Letters, 16, 3434-41 (2016).
Y. Zhou and K. Zhu*. “Perovskite Solar Cells Shine in the Valley of the Sun,” ACS Energy Letters, 1, 64-7 (2016). [Invited Paper in Inaugural Issue; Featured in Most-Read Articles]
Y. Zhou*, J. Kwun, H.F. Garces, S. Pang, and N.P. Padture*, “Observation of Phase-Retention Behavior of the HC(NH2)2PbI3 Black Perovskite Polymorph upon Mesoporous TiO2 Scaffolds,” Chemical Communications, 52, 7273-5 (2016)
Y. Zhou, M. Yang, J. Kwun, O.S. Onkar, Y. Zhao, S. Pang, N.P. Padture, and K. Zhu, “Intercalation Crystallization of Phase-Pure α- HC(NH2)2PbI3 upon Microstructurally Engineered PbI2 Thin Films for Planar Perovskite Solar Cells,” Nanoscale, 8, 6265-70 (2016). [Invited Paper for Themed Collection Perovskites at the Nanoscale]
Y. Zhou*, H.F. Garces, and N.P. Padture*, "Challenges in the Ambient Raman Spectroscopy Characterization of Methylammonium Lead Triiodide Perovskite Thin Films," Frontiers of Optoelectronics, 9, 81-6 (2016). [Invited Paper for Special Issue Mesoscopic Solar Cells Guest-Edited by Prof. Michael Grätzel; A Special Contribution to Chinese Academic Publishing]
Y. Zhou, M. Yang, O.S. Games, W. Wu, J. Kwun, M.A. Strauss, Y. Yan, J. Huang, K. Zhu*, and N.P. Padture*, “Manipulating Crystallization of Organolead Mixed-Halide Thin Films in Antisolvent Baths for Wide-Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8, 2232-7 (2016).
R. Naphade, S. Nagane, G.S. Shanker, R. Fernades, D.C. Kothari, Y. Zhou, N.P. Padture, and S.B. Ogale, “Hybrid Perovskite Quantum Nanostructures Synthesized by Electrospray Antisolvent-Solvent Extraction and Intercalation,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8, 854-61 (2016).
M. Yang, Y. Zhou (co-first author), Y. Zeng, C.-S. Jiang, N.P. Padture, and K. Zhu, “Square-Centimeter Solution-Processed Planar CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells with Efficiency Exceeding 15%,” Advanced Materials, 27, 6363-70 (2015). [Featured in AAAS EurekAlert!, etc.]
Z. Zhou, Z. Wang, Y. Zhou (co-first author), S. Pang, D. Wang, H. Xu, Z. Liu, N.P. Padture, and G. Cui, “Methylamine-Gas-Induced Defect-Healing Behavior of CH3NH3PbI3 Thin Films for Perovskite Photovoltaics,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 54, 9702-9 (2015). [103 Citations; Selected as Very Important Paper; Highlighted in August 7, 2015 Issue of Science as Editor’s Choice]
Y. Zhou*, O.S. Game, S. Pang, and N.P. Padture, “Microstructures of Organolead Trihalide Perovskites for Solar Cells: Their Evolution from Solutions and Characterization,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6, 4827-39 (2015). [Invited Review Article]
C.-S. Jiang, M. Yang, Y. Zhou, B. Too, S. Nanayakkara, J. Luther, W. Zhou, J. Berry, J.V. de Lagemaat, N.P. Padture, K. Zhu, and M.M. Al-Jassi, “Carrier Separation and Transport in Perovskite Solar Cells Studied by Nanometer-Scale Profiling of Electrical Potential,” Nature Communications, 6, 8397 (2015).
Z. Wang, Y. Zhou (co-first author), S. Pang, Z. Xiao, J. Zhang, W. Chai, H. Xu, Z. Liu, N.P. Padture, and G. Cui, “Additive-Modulated Evolution of HC(NH2)2PbI3 Black Polymorph for Mesoscopic Perovskite Solar Cells,” Chemistry of Materials, 27, 7149-55 (2015).
Y. Zhou*, A.L. Vasiliev, W. Wu, M. Yang, K. Zhu, and N.P. Padture*, “Crystal Morphologies of Organolead Trihalide in Mesoscopic/Planar Perovskite Solar Cells,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6, 2292-7 (2015).
Y. Zhou, M. Yang, W. Wu, A.L. Vasiliev, K. Zhu, and N.P. Padture*, “Room-Temperature Crystallization of Hybrid-Perovskite Thin Films via Solvent-Solvent Extraction for High-Performance Solar Cells,” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3, 8178-84 (2015). [Themed Collection The 2015 Journal of Materials Chemistry A Most Accessed Manuscripts; Featured in AAAS-EurekAlert, The Economist, IEEE Spectrum, PV Magazine, etc.]
Y. Zhou, M. Yang, A.L. Vasiliev, H.F. Garces, Y. Zhao, D. Wang, S. Pang, K. Zhu, and N.P. Padture, “Growth Control of Compact CH3NH3PbI3 Thin Films via Enhanced Solid-State Precursor Reaction for Efficient Planar Perovskite Solar Cells,” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3, 9249-56 (2015). [Themed Collection Perovskite Solar Cells]
Z. Xiao, Y. Zhou, H. Hideo, and T. Kamiya, “Intrinsic Defects in Photovoltaic Perovskite Variant Cs2SnI6,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17, 189000-3 (2015).
Z. Xiao, H. Lei, X. Zhang, Y. Zhou, H. Hosono, and T. Kamiya, “Ligand-Hole in SnI6 Unit and Origin of Band Gap in Photovoltaic Perovskite Variant Cs2SnI6,” Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 88, 1250-5 (2015).
Y. Kutes, L. Ye, Y. Zhou (co-first author), S. Pang, B. D. Huey, and N.P. Padture, “Direct Observation of Ferroelectric Domains in Solution-Processed CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Thin Films,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 5, 3335-9 (2014).
D. Wang, Z. Liu, Z. Zhou, H. Zhu, Y. Zhou, C. Huang, Z. Wang, H. Xu, Y. Jin, F. Bin, S. Pang, and G. Cui, “Reproducible One-Step Fabrication of Compact MAPbI3-xClx Thin Films Derived from Mixed-Lead-Halide Precursors,” Chemistry of Materials, 26, 7145-50 (2014).
H. Hu, D. Wang, Y. Zhou, J. Zhang, S. Lv, S. Pang, X. Chen, Z. Liu, N.P. Padture, C. Huang, and G. Cui, “Vapour-Based Processing of HTM-Free CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite/Fullerene Planar Solar Cells,” RSC Advances, 4, 28964-7 (2014).
S. Lv, S. Pang, Y. Zhou, N.P. Padture, H. Hu, L. Wang, X. Zhou, C. Huang, and G. Cui, “One-Step Solution-Processed Formamidinium Lead Halide (FAPbI(3-x)Clx) for Mesoscopic Perovskite-Polymer Solar Cells,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16, 19206-11 (2014).
Y. Zhou, H.F. Garces, B.S. Senturk, A.L. Ortiz, and N.P. Padture, “Room Temperature ‘One-Pot’ Solution Synthesis of Nanoscale CsSnI3 Orthorhombic Perovskite Thin Films and Particles,” Materials Letters, 110, 127-9 (2013).
Before Brown
Y. Zhou, I. Lee, D. Kim, S. Han, J.-K. Kim, D. Lee, S.W. Ko, S.G. Pyo, H. Son, and S. Yoon, “Direct Synthesis of Carbon Sheathed Tungsten Oxide Nanoparticles via Self-Assembly Route for High Performance Electrochemical Charge Storage Electrode,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 17, 389-97 (2017).
H. Kim, Y. Zhou, J. Kim, N. Kim, and S. Yoon, "Ordered Mesoporous Carbon Imbedded with Nano Tungsten Oxide as Anode Material in Lithium Ion Batteries," Science of Advanced Materials, 2017, 9, 1867-71.
Y. Zhou and S. Yoon, “Interconnected Carbon-Decorated TiO2 Nanocrystals with Enhanced Lithium Storage Performance,” Electrochemical Communications, 40, 54-7 (2014).
Y. Zhou, I. Lee, C.W. Lee, H.S. Park, H. Son, and S. Yoon, “Ordered Mesoporous Carbon-MoO2 Nanocomposite as High Performance Anode Material in Lithium Ion Batteries,” Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 35, 257-60 (2014).
Y. Zhou, S.-H. Ko, C.W. Lee, and S. Yoon, “Enhanced Charge Storage by Optimization of Pore Structure in Nanocomposite between Ordered Mesoporous Carbon and Nanosized WO3-x,” Journal of Power Sources, 244, 777-82 (2013).
Y. Zhou, J. Lee, C.W. Lee, M. Wu, and S. Yoon, “Crystallinity-Controlled TiO2-Carbon Nanocomposites with Enhanced Lithium Storage Performance,” ChemSusChem, 5, 2376-82 (2012).
Y. Zhou, C.W. Lee, S.-K. Kim, and S. Yoon, “Ordered Mesoporous Carbon-MoO2 Nanocomposites as Stable Supercapacitor Electrodes,” ECS Electrochemistry Letters, 1, A17-20 (2012).
Y. Zhou, C. Jo, J. Lee, C.W. Lee, G. Qao, and S. Yoon, “Development of Novel Mesoporous C-TiO2-SnO2 Nanocomposites and Their Application to Anode Materials in Lithium Ion Secondary Batteries,” Microporous Mesoporous Materials, 151, 172-9 (2012).
Y. Zhou, C.W. Lee, and S. Yoon, “Development of an Ordered Mesoporous Carbon/MoO2 Nanocomposite for High Performance Supercapacitor Electrode,” Electrochemical Solid-State Letters, 14, A157-60 (2011).
Y. Zhou, Y. Kim, C. Jo, J. Lee, C.W. Lee, and S. Yoon, “A Novel Mesoporous Carbon-Silica-Titania Nanocomposite as a High Performance Anode Material in Lithium Ion Batteries,” Chemical Communications, 47, 4944-6 (2011).